Early Fire Detection
In the high-tech environment of the 21st century, a minor mishap caused by fire would cause a major loss of millions of dollars of downtime.
Apart from the cost value in property and equipment damage, a fire can be a source of interruption paralyzing a business' operation resulting in missed deadlines, delayed production, lost orders and eroded customer trust.
Furthermore, businesses that suffer fire damage are sometimes unable to recover, not because of the direct physical damage sustained, but also due to the deterioration of equipment following exposure to heat and smoke. Rapid intervention to prevent fire is, therefore, critically important.
Successful fire protection requires early fire identification, automatic fire service notification and in the event of delayed response, an appropriate automatic fire suppression system. The earlier a fire is detected, controlled and extinguished, the less damage will result.
To minimize damage and loss, fire must be detected during the smoldering “incipient” stage, before active flaming. Initial smoldering smoke is light in density, below the detection range of conventional smoke detectors. This “early smoke” usually does not contain the heat buoyancy necessary to lift the smoke for the conventional smoke detectors to detect. Therefore, in order for the conventional smoke detectors to detect the smoke, a high concentration of smoke is necessary. This however would mean that significant damage would have already occurred.